The Alice McCosh Trust

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Past fundraising

Here are some of the fantastic ways that people have raised money for the Trust.

August 2010 Sophie and Amy walked from London to Norfolk, a distance of 150 miles, to raise money for the Trust. It was, as they said 'just the sort of adventure that Alice would have loved'. Here is a full report of their walk.

October 2008 On Friday 31st October 2008 the magnificent seven, Kate Delmar-Morgan, Ailsa Ferguson, Catherine Black, Kim Belcham, Jono Iles, Niall McBain and Nick Argles, also known as the Mountain Muppets, flew out to Tanzania for a late autumn holiday. Conjures up images of cocktails at sunset overlooking the wildlife grazing on the plains of Africa doesn't it? But for the Mountain Muppets it was a slog up Mount Kilimanjaro, all 19,340 feet of it. This was no picnic - to reach the summit on the last day of their ascent the Mountain Muppets got up at midnight and treked in sub-zero temperatures for hours to see dawn break from the roof of Africa. Holiday - what holiday?! It was a great challenge with lots of laughter on the way. They raised over £1,500. Well done to the Mountain Muppets and thank you for thinking of The Alice McCosh Trust.